Growth Marketing

30+ Marketing Metrics and Where to Find Them

September 14, 2023
7 min read
Analyzing marketing metrics



Analyzing marketing metrics is vital for ensuring that your marketing campaigns are effectively reaching your audience and converting customers–and making sure your business is getting the best value out of your marketing investment. This guide will outline the most valuable marketing metrics used in digital marketing, quickly explaining what each one is and how it can be measured.

There is a lot of jargon to cut through before you can identify the metrics that are appropriate to measure for your business. Mighty Digital has put this guide together to help you as you begin your journey into digital marketing. We’ll keep it up to date with new measures and tools, so feel free to bookmark this page so you can revisit it next time you are evaluating your marketing channels.

What are marketing metrics and why are they a valuable business asset?

Marketing metrics are the data points you collect from your marketing channels—and the customers who respond to them—to measure their success. Up-to-date and historic marketing metrics are a valuable asset to your business. They can be used to focus your marketing campaigns on the most responsive audiences through the most responsive channels.

Marketing metrics are also valuable to the improvement of your product. By identifying which advertised features your users are responding to, you can focus on improving those features to ensure that they continue to attract new users while also building the loyalty of your existing users.

There are many defined metrics that can be used to understand your marketing campaigns. The table below lists metrics used by internet marketing experts, and tells you what they mean and how they are measured.

Key marketing metrics

Glossary of marketing metrics and how to measure them

Key marketing metric

MetricMeaningHow is it measured?
ROI (return on investment)A measure of the growth gained from marketing activityROI = (Sales growth − Marketing cost) ÷ Marketing cost
ROAS (return on ad spend)The revenue earned for each advertising dollar spentROAS = Revenue attributable to ad ÷ Cost of ad
ROAS (return on ad spend)

Web analytics metrics

MetricMeaningHow is it measured?
Total visitsThe total number of visits to a web pageWeb analytics are collected from analytics platforms
Unique visitsSimilar to the above, but only visits from unique visitors
SessionsHow many unique sessions visitors had on a websiteFor example in GA4 it’s 30 minutes window to count users actions as a one session
Page views per sessionHow many pages a unique visitor views on a website per visit
Average session durationThe amount of time a visitor spends visiting your website
Time on pageAs above, but the amount of time spent on a single page
Bounce rateThe proportion of visitors who leave your site after viewing only a single pageBounce rate = Single page visitors ÷ Total visitors

Internet marketing metrics

MetricMeaningHow is it measured?
CPM (cost per mille)The cost per thousand ad impressionsAdvertising platforms will provide you with the cost of each of these interactions, as well as how many interactions there were, to accurately bill you
CPV (cost per view)The cost per view of a video advertisement
CPС (cost per click)The cost per click on an online advertisement
CPA (cost per action)The cost per positive action, such as signups or purchases, rather than visits or clicks
CTR (click-through rate)Click-through rate is the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a page, email, or advertisement.CTR = Visitors who click link ÷ Total visitors
CTR (click-through rate)

Email marketing metrics

MetricMeaningHow is it measured?
Email open rateThe proportion of marketing emails that were openedOpen rate = Opened emails ÷ Total emails delivered
Email bounce rateThe proportion of emails which did not reach the recipientBounce rate = Bounced emails ÷ Total emails sent
Email click-through rateThe proportion of people who clicked on a link in an emailEmail CTR = Links clicked ÷ Total emails delivered
Social media marketing metrics

Social media marketing metrics

MetricMeaningHow is it measured?
CPL (cost per like)Similar to CPC, but the number of likes on social mediaLike other online advertisers, social media platforms will track these interactions and provide you with these metrics to accurately bill you
CPE (cost per engagement)Social media sites track additional types of engagements such as likes, shares, and reactions

SaaS marketing metrics

MetricMeaningHow is it measured?
ARR (annual recurring revenue)The predictable recurring revenue from your product—the baseline of what you expect it to earn excluding things like one-off charges to customersThis information can be calculated from your internal invoicing or payments systems
MRR (monthly recurring revenue)The revenue earned from subscriptions monthly
ARPU (average revenue per user)The average amount of income generated per user, typically per year or per monthARPU = Total revenue ÷ Subscriber count
Revenue churnThe amount of MRR lost over a period through unsubscribes, pricing plan downgrades, etc.Can be expressed as a dollar amount (by simply seeing how much less was earned in a month)
Revenue churn rateRevenue churn expressed as a rateRevenue churn rate = MRR lost ÷ Previous MRR
Customer churnThe number of customers lost over a periodExpressed as the number of actual customers lost
Customer churn rateThe rate of customer churnCustomer churn rate = Customers lost ÷ Previous customer count

Mobile app marketing metrics

MetricMeaningHow is it measured?
InstallsThe number of app installsIn Google Play or App Store it measures by real installs, but all other tools shows install after the first app launch
DAU (daily active users)The number of people who open your app every dayAvailable through in-app analytics
MAU (monthly active users)The number of people who interact with your app monthly
Stickiness ratioThe ratio of highly engaged “sticky” users to regular usersStickiness = DAU ÷ MAU
UninstallsThe number of app uninstallsWhen app is deleted from the phone. Can be tricky for IOS

Growth metrics

MetricMeaningHow is it measured?
Activation rateVisitors are ‘activated’ when they take a desired action with your productActivation rate = Visitors who take action ÷ Total visitors
CRR (customer retention rate)The number of customers retained over a period of timeCRR = (Number of customers at end of period − Number of new customers) ÷ Number of customers at beginning of period
CAC (customer acquisition cost)The average amount of money spent to get each new customerCAC = Advertising spend ÷ Total new customers
ConversionsA conversion occurs when a visitor becomes a customer—taking a desired action such as signing up or making a purchase
Conversion rateA measure of the success of an advertising channel based on the proportion of conversions to interactionsConversion rate = Number of conversions ÷ Total interactions
LTV (lifetime value)
CLV (customer lifetime value)
The total income you are likely to get from a customer for the duration of their patronageThese values will be provided by your internal reporting from invoices or payments
LTV (lifetime value)

The NPS (Net Promoter Score)

The Net Promoter Score is an indicator of the prevailing sentiment of your customers. The NPS calculates customer satisfaction by asking them a simple question: on a scale of 1–10, how likely are they to recommend your product to others?

This metric is widely used due to its simple nature and impact—it cuts right to the heart of customer loyalty and sentiment. If they are likely to recommend you, they are likely to be retained as a customer—and, as a bonus, might even attract new customers themselves.

Bespoke product metrics

Your product is unique and may have its own measure of success. To better identify the best measurable response from your customers, you may need to build on the above metrics with your own measures.

For example, a video game developer may identify that its highest-scoring players spend the most money on the game. The players’ scores have thus become an identified marketing metric that can be used to assess whether a channel is providing users who are making a profitable interaction.

Growth marketing builds on this concept, utilizing data-driven campaigns based on customer satisfaction to maximize growth throughout the entire marketing funnel.

Knowing the jargon helps, but understanding the metrics gets results

Most marketing metrics are simple in concept. It is less simple to know how to combine them to get the most insight, and to fully recognize the impact your marketing campaigns are having. An experienced growth marketing team from Mighty Digital will work with you to understand your business and identify the metrics best suited to measure real growth.

Acronyms, terminology, jargon—knowing the right words helps, but it takes time to figure out the real-world implications a metric may have in different advertising channels or for different industries. Properly assigning an interaction to a marketing channel is also becoming an increasingly complex task.

Mighty Digital builds industry-leading digital marketing campaigns and has the institutional knowledge to ensure your marketing metrics are properly measured and intelligently interpreted. We can ensure your marketing channels are fully optimized and your product growth is fully realized.

Max Zolotyi

Max Zolotyi

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Demand analysis expert. Marketing Manager (Organic Channels) at Mighty Digital